The Science of Influence and How You Can Win in Your B2G Market
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The Science of Influence and How You Can Win in Your B2G Market

Dr. Zoe Chance at GAIN 2022

Oct. 5, 2022

“Once upon a time, on an auspicious day in history, you were born–influential,” begins Dr. Zoe Chance’s book, Influence is Your Superpower: The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things Happen. Chance starts her guide in this way to show you, the reader, that you have an inherent ability to be influential. It is your birthright, and it’s one we all share. How do we tap into this skill that we’ve all had since the day we were born in order to build our brand? And once we rediscover it, how do we use it in the B2G market? What do we do with this incredible gift to win hearts and change the world? Chance has a few ideas, and she’s going to share them at GAIN on October 18th.

The B2G space comes with its own unique challenges. Before the pandemic, there were tried and true dependable marketing solutions, but all of that has changed. Where B2G marketers were once able to seek out government officials in physical spaces, now they must face the impersonal anonymity of the internet to make connections. This means that interpersonal influence has never been more important. How do you become someone people want to say yes to? How do you break into, and maintain, this community when we’ve never been more connected, yet disconnected? Influence.

These days, being an “Influencer” draws up images of Instagram posts and TikTok reviews. But before flower crowns and pumpkin spice lattes, there were humans with the innate ability to connect with other people and drive decisions. Chance has spent her career studying these abilities and has turned influence into a science through the lens of Behavioral Economics. She has studied the psychological processes that influence human behavior and the economics of the decisions they make.

Marketing is the science of influencing your buyers and connecting with your community. Just like any scientist, you need to study, practice, and experiment to get results. However, there are guidelines that you can depend on as you put your work into action. Chance has shared those dependable solutions in a time when our tried and true tactics have failed. Influence is the new law of marketing.

B2G contracting requires you to become a trusted advisor. That’s a tall order. Traditionally, influence in sales and marketing has been used to convince consumers that they need something. Consumers are “targets.” That doesn’t fly in a space where trust is key. At GAIN, you can hear Chance share how to become someone people want to say yes to through the art of ethical influence, not a power play. Along with the knowledge she will divulge at this conference, Chance promises to teach the simplest thing you can do to be more influential, allowing you to walk away and immediately try her tactics. Perhaps you might use this strategy with a colleague, client, peer, or GAIN sponsor during the first built-in networking break of the conference.

Everything that Chance has deemed most helpful is in her book, which is designed so you can dip into any chapter at any time. At GAIN, the first 200 registrants will receive a free copy so that they can revisit her wisdom again and again.

Only GAIN offers these opportunities that will have an instant effect on your brand. Can you afford to miss it? 
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Dr. Zoe Chance is a writer, teacher, researcher, and climate philanthropist. Her bestselling book is called “Influence Is Your Superpower.” She has a doctorate from Harvard and teaches the most popular course at Yale School of Management. Her research has been published in top journals and covered in global media, and she speaks on TV and around the world. Before joining academia, Zoe managed a $200 million segment of Barbie, helped with political campaigns, and worked in door-to-door sales.

You can find the full interview with Dr. Zoe Chance and Government Marketing University's Stephanie Geiger here.

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